Pre-Launch Planning - Set the foundation for your book's success with effective pre-launch strategies.

Launch Strategies - Maximize the impact of your book launch to ensure your book makes a splash on release day.

Post-Launch Promotion - Keep the momentum going long after your book launch with sustained marketing efforts.

Elevate your book marketing efforts

Unlock the full potential of your book with the Essential Book Marketing Toolkit. This guide equips authors with strategies and tools to effectively promote their book during the Pre-Launch, Launch, and Post-Launch phases.  From market research and platform building to announcing your book launch and post-launch engagement tactics, our toolkit covers everything you need to ensure your book gets the attention it deserves.  This toolkit will help you pick and choose key strategies so you can craft a tailored marketing plan that aligns with your book's purpose and your target audience preferences. 

Liz Jalkiewicz, RDN, LDN

Hi there! I'm Liz. I EMPOWER DIETITIANS AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS TO SHARE THEIR MESSAGES WITH THE WORLD THROUGH SELF-PUBLISHING. I’m on a mission to help you, an amazing healthcare professional with a story to tell, to share your messages with the world. Your published works will amplify your positive impact, enable the work you do to have wider reach, and generate passive income through self-publishing.

Download the Essential Book Marketing Toolkit today!

This toolkit will help you pick and choose key strategies so you can craft a tailored marketing plan that aligns with your book's purpose and your target audience's preferences. Elevate your book's reach today!